Safety. Transparency. Thoughtful Growth.

Hello Windsor!

My name is Tanya Potter and I am running for Town Council in District 4. I have lived in Windsor for the last 18 years with my husband Steven, raising our three children. Together we have devoted our time and efforts to being part of the fabric of Windsor through volunteering in classrooms, coaching youth sports, fostering children, supporting local businesses, and serving on local commissions and community boards. As a law enforcement officer for nearly 18 years, I consider Windsor’s community and school safety my top priority.  Our community members deserve to feel safe in their homes, parks, places of work and places of play. I will evaluate every decision through a public safety and emergency preparedness lens to ensure even the most vulnerable Windsor residents feel safe and have an emergency plan. I also believe in fiscal responsibility and have demonstrated this through decisions made as a Windsor Park and Recreation Commissioner and Public Arts Advisory Commissioner for the Town of Windsor. I am committed to listening to our community and continuing to engage community members to participate in local decision making. I am asking you to elect me to bring an approachable and concerned voice to the Town Council. — Tanya

Our Best

Public Safety | Tanya believes in public safety to ensure our community is a safe place to live and our students are safe in our schools.

Emergency Preparedness | She believes in continuing preparedness for all emergencies which includes finding ways to power our town and ensure internet services during emergencies and power outages. She supports COPE (Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies) in every neighborhood in Windsor, building support networks street by street to ensure our elderly and disabled neighbors have a plan for emergencies. Communication and planning are the keys to success!

Growth | Tanya also believes in thoughtful growth that includes bringing affordable “missing middle” housing to Windsor.

Transparency | Above all, Tanya values accountability and transparency for those serving on Town Council and Commissions.

Local Business | Tanya will work to keep our streets safe, support local businesses and insist on government fiscal responsibility.

Listening | Tanya is committed to listening to and engaging with residents to bring their voices and feedback to Town Council decisions.

  • 23 years in public service as a US Army veteran, probation officer, and police officer

  • Married 19 years and raising three children in Windsor

  • Master’s degree in Public Administration-public and non-profit management

  • Currently serving as a Town of Windsor Parks and Recreation Commissioner and Public Arts Advisory Commissioner

  • Sonoma County Licensed Resource Parent- Recipient of  “2013 Sonoma County Foster Parents of the Year Award”

  • Skilled in emergency response and preparedness.

  • Served on local school site council and LCAP committees

  • Served on sub-commissions for the new Windsor dog park and Discovering Windsor Through Art utility box painting program.

  • Read more about Tanya Potter in the Press Democrat article.

Dedicated to family, public service and community

It gives me great pleasure to lend my endorsement for Town Council to Tanya Potter. As I’ve gotten to know Tanya I believe more and more she is the best candidate for my distract council seat. She is strong on public safety and understands what’s best for the town and what’s best for it’s residents is not always the same thing. So rest assured she will always come down on the side of the residents. In this day and age we are drowning in information while starving for wisdom. Make the wise choice, vote for Tanya Potter
— Steve Henricksen, Precision Sound Craft (retired), Town Green Concerts